Contributing Guide#
Contributors to datashuttle are absolutely encouraged, whether to fix a bug or develop a new feature.
If you’re unsure about any part of the contributing process or have any questions, please get in touch through our Zulip chat. Otherwise, feel free to dive right in and start contributing by creating a development environment and opening a pull request.
The core development team will support you in contributing code, regardless of your experience!
Creating a development environment#
For detailed instructions on installing datashuttle along with
all necessary packages for development, refer to the Developers
tab on the
How to install datashuttle page.
Briefly, after installing Rclone, the datashuttle repository can be cloned:
git clone
and datashuttle pip-installed with the developer tag:
pip install -e .[dev]
or if using zsh
pip install -e '.[dev]'
Finally, initialise the pre-commit hooks:
pre-commit install
Pull requests#
In all cases, please submit code to the main repository via a pull request. The developers recommend and adhere to the following conventions:
Please submit draft pull requests as early as possible (you can still push to the branch once submitted) to allow for discussion.
One approval of a PR (by a repo maintainer) is sufficient for it to be merged.
If the PR receives approval without additional comments, it will be merged immediately by the approving reviewer.
A typical PR workflow would be as follows:
Create a new branch, make your changes, and add them with
git add
.When you attempt to commit, the pre-commit hooks will be triggered.
git add
any changes made by the hooks, and commit. More information on dealing with the pre-commit hooks is available below.Push your changes to GitHub and open a draft pull request.
Please don’t hesitate to ask any developer for help on draft pull requests at our Zulip chat.
If all checks run successfully, mark the pull request as ready for review.
Respond to review comments and implement any requested changes.
One of the maintainers will approve the PR.
Your PR will be (squash-)merged into the main branch!
When submitting a PR, it is helpful to consider how the new features will be tested. If you are familiar with testing, please try to add tests for new functionality. However if you’re not, no problem! We’re happy to help with both the design and implementation of tests so please don’t let this discourage you from opening a PR. We take a similar approach to documenting new features, which is discussed further below.
Formatting and pre-commit hooks#
Running pre-commit install
will set up pre-commit hooks to ensure a consistent formatting style. Currently, these include:
ruff, which does a number of jobs including code linting and auto-formatting.
mypy, a static type checker.
check-manifest, to ensure that the right files are included in the pip package.
codespell, to check for common misspellings.
Pre-commit hooks will automatically run when a commit is made. To manually run all the hooks before committing:
pre-commit run # for staged files
pre-commit run -a # for all files in the repository
Some problems will be automatically fixed by the hooks. In this case, you should stage the auto-fixed changes and run the hooks again:
git add .
pre-commit run
If a problem cannot be auto-fixed, the corresponding tool will provide
information on what the issue is and how to fix it. For example, ruff
output something like: E501 Line too long (90 > 79)
This pinpoints the problem to a single line of code and a specific ruff rule violation.
Sometimes you may have good reasons to ignore a particular rule for a specific line.
You can do this by adding an inline comment, e.g. # noqa: E501
. Replace E501
with the code of the rule you want to ignore.
Don’t worry if you are stuck and are not sure how to fix linting
issues. Feel free to commit with the --no-verify
option which will
skip pre-commit checks, and ask for help in your PR.
For docstrings, we adhere to the numpydoc style. Make sure to provide docstrings for all public functions, classes, and methods.
Contributing documentation#
It is very important that the documentation for datashuttle is clear, accurate and concise. A key principle of datashuttle is it should make data acquisition simple and easy—therefore it should be well-documented.
For these reasons every part of all software must be documented as thoroughly as possible, and all new features must be fully documented. If you notice any areas where the documentation can be improved, please don’t hesitate to make a contribution.
Working with the documentation#
The documentation is found in the docs/source
folder, where the structure mirrors the rendered website.
Dependencies for building the documentation locally can be found at docs/requirements.txt
To install these, change directory to the docs
folder in your terminal and type:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The command to build the documentation is then:
sphinx-build source build
The documentation will be built and output to the build
folder. To
read the built documentation in a browser, navigate to the build
folder and open the index.html
Editing the documentation#
The documentation is hosted using GitHub Pages, and the source can be found at
Most content is found under docs/source
, where the structure mirrors the rendered website.
To edit a page, please:
Fork the repository
Make edits to the relevant pages
Build the pages as above to inspect your changes
Create a pull request outlining the changes made
If you aren’t sure where the changes should be made, please get in touch!