How to Create Folders#

datashuttle automates project folder creation and validation according to the NeuroBlueprint.

Before starting with folder creation, we’ll briefly introduce the NeuroBlueprint specification.

An example NeuroBlueprint project:

../../_images/NeuroBlueprint_project_tree_dark.png ../../_images/NeuroBlueprint_project_tree_light.png

Some key features:

  • The rawdata top-level-folder contains acquired data. Following acquisition this data is never edited.

  • The derivatives top-level folder contains all processing and analysis outputs. There are no fixed requirements on its organisation.

  • Subject and session folders are formatted as key-value pairs.

  • Only the sub- and ses- key-value pairs are required (additional pairs are optional).

  • Each session contains datatype folders, in which acquired data is stored.

Now, let’s get started with folder creation!

Creating project folders#

The project-name folder is located at the local path specified when setting up the project.

We will now create subject, session and datatype folders within a rawdata top-level folder.

We will create datatype folders behav and funcimg within a ses-001_<todays_date> for both a sub-001 and sub-002.

The below example uses the @DATE@ convenience tag to automate creation of today’s date. See the convenience tags. section for more information on these tags.

Folders are created in the Create tab on the Project Manager page.

../../_images/how-to-create-folders-example-dark.png ../../_images/how-to-create-folders-example-light.png

We can enter the subject and session names into the input boxes, and select datatype folders to create. Clicking Create Folders will create the folders within the project.

A number of useful shortcuts to streamline this process are described below.

Create shortcuts

The Create tab has a lot of useful shortcuts.

First, double-clicking subject or session input boxes will suggest the next subject or session to create, based on the local project. If a Name Template is set, the suggested name will also include the template.

Holding CTRL while clicking will enter the sub- or ses- prefix only.

Next, the Directory Tree has a number of useful shortcuts. These are activated by hovering the mouse of a file or folder and pressing one of the below key combinations (you may need to click the Directory Tree first):

Fill an input

CTRL+F will fill the subject or session input with the name of the folder (prefixed with sub- or ses-) that is hovered over.

Append to an input

CTRL+A is similar to ‘fill’ above, but will instead append the name to those already in the input. This allows creation of multiple subjects or sessions at once.

Open folder in system filebrowser

CTRL+O will open a folder in the system filebrowser.

Copy the full filepath.

CTRL+Q will copy the entire filepath of the file or folder.

Create Settings

Click the Settings button on the Create tab to set the top-level folder, and bypass validation.

../../_images/how-to-create-folders-settings-dark.png ../../_images/how-to-create-folders-settings-light.png
Top level folder

This dropdown box will set whether folders are created in the rawdata or derivatives top-level folder.

Bypass validation

This setting will allow folder creation even if the names are not valid (i.e. they break with NeuroBlueprint).

This screen is also used to validate and autofill with Name Templates.

The create_folders() method is used for folder creation.

We simply need to provide the subject, session and datatypes to create:

from datashuttle import DataShuttle

project = DataShuttle("my_first_project")

created_folders = project.create_folders(
    sub_names=["sub-001", "002"],
    datatype=["behav", "funcimg"]

The method outputs created_folders, which contains the Paths to created datatype folders. See the below section for details on the @DATE@ and other convenience tags.

By default, an error will be raised if the folder names break with Neuroblueprint and folders will not be created. The bypass_validation argument can be used to bypass this feature.

Convenience Tags#

There are four convenience tags that can be used in subject or session names when creating folders.

They automate the inclusion of:

Today’s Date

The @DATE@ tag will include today’s date in the format YYYYMMDD.
e.g. If today’s date is 16th May 2024, the name "ses-001_@DATE@" will create the folder ses-001_date-20241605.

Current Time

The @TIME@ tag will include the current time in the format HHMMSS.
e.g. If the current time is 15:10:05 (i.e. 10 minutes and 5 seconds past 3 p.m.), the name "ses-001_@TIME@" will create the folder ses-001_time-151005.

Current Datetime

The @DATETIME@ tag will add the ISO8601-formatted datetime.
e.g. If the date and time are as above, the name "ses-001_@DATETIME@" will create the folder ses-001_datetime-20241605T151005.

A Range of Folders

The@TO@ tag creates a range of subject or session numbers.
e.g. "sub-001@TO@003" would create subject folders sub-001, sub-002, sub-003.