How to Make a Local Project#

datashuttle can be used to create and validate NeuroBlueprint projects, as well as transfer data. If you want to quickly create or validate a project’s folders, but not transfer data, you can make a local-only project and immediately get started.

Selecting Make New Project will take you to the project set up screen.

Enter the name of your project, the path to your project folder and select No connection (local only) (note that the central-path options are now disabled).

../../_images/how-to-make-local-project-configs-dark.png ../../_images/how-to-make-local-project-configs-light.png

First, import datashuttle and set up a project with the project_name. If a project already exists, this should match the project folder name (i.e. the level above rawdata).

from datashuttle import DataShuttle

project = DataShuttle("my_project_name")

Next, give datashuttle the path to the project folder (this can, but doesn’t have to, include the project_name)


The project is now ready for use, and in future can be instantiated only with the line project = DataShuttle("my_project_name") (i.e. you will not have to set the local_path again).

If you wish to change the project settings at a later time, use project.update_config_file().

For example, it is possible to immediately validate the project:

project.validate_project("rawdata", error_or_warn="warn")

Setting error_or_warn will display all validation issues, otherwise it will error on the first one encountered.

New project folders can also be created in the local folder:

project.create_folders("rawdata", "sub-001", "ses-001_@DATE@", datatype=["ephys", "behav"])

see Create Folders for more details.


When in local-only mode, some functionality of datashuttle is lost.

It will not be possible to:

  • transfer data, which requires passing configs related to a centrally-stored project.

  • Any method that exposes a local_only argument will always set this to True. For example, validation will only ever be performed on the local project.

See How to Make a Full Project for more information on setting up for data transfer.